Don't miss these two posts of Dr. Horsefeathers: NYT "discovers" war is hell; and a long and detailed review of Spielberg's latest exercise in dubious moral equivalency.
Lots of good stuff at Dr. Sanity, but also some great hat tips, such as Gender warfare without glass ceilings and Victor Davis Hanson's advice to Bush on how to deal with opponents: stroke their c*cks egos.
And InsureBlog reviews a recent Oxford University Press book "One nation, uninsured" advocating a universal healthcare system, and explains taht the US already has some government-based healthcare plans (group specific, such as Medicare for senior citizens and the Veterans Administration) that look much like what national health insurance would be in a US context. And neither is something to brag about.
Universal health insurance is one of the few old liberal-left causes that I am still somewhat partial to. But frankly, the more I read about what effectively amounts to healthcare rationing in the British NHS, or about the surprising (?) coincidence between inverted population pyramids and euthanasia pressures in the Netherlands and Belgium, or the more I see of the sorry shape Israel's universal healthcare system is on --- the more willing I grow to at least listen to opponents of allegedly "universal" insurance. My own experience here is that no healthcare system is truly "universal", but that in some connections it's money that buys you preferential care, and in others it's "connections".
Finally (for now) ShrinkWrapped blogs the latest disturbing example of how immoral moral relativism can truly get: a musical that's sure to attract the NAMBLA crowd. (The position of this blog on pedophilia is well known: that the condition is nothing that cannot be permanently cured by medical treatment. Supersonic lead injections to the head or vital organs, to be specific.)